Yes, I know this may cause quite an argument but I simply do not understand why people don't like Macs. They're easier to use and in the end cheaper because they are less prone to viruses [and theoretically don't break as often]. Currently I own a 15' Macbook Pro. I enjoy video editing and like the simple user interface of Snow Leopard. At first, I installed Windows 7 via Bootcamp be eventually realized I never used it and deleted that partition of my hard drive...
ANYWAYS, what kinda computer do you guys own and why? The ultimate battle is on,
Mac or PC?
I like this. Why can't we all get along?
sent from my macbook pro running win 7
I personally thoroughly dislike macs in all there glory
The reason people dont like macs is:
1. Overpriced
I am really into computers and I love to build them. I'm actually building a computer right now. It has a Quad core processor (3.4ghz), 6 gigs of ram, an nvidia 470, a 750 Watt power supply, an ASUS mobo, and a 2 tb internal hard drive, all totaling at 850$. A Mac with these specs costs over 3,000$.
Macs dont allow the use of processors such as AMD, so you get stuck with the expensive Intel processors that arent even as good.
2. Upgrading
The only way to upgrade a mac, is to send it in and pay someone to do it. I can slap open my computer, pull out a chip, stick a new one in and be ready to go.
3. How do I linux?
Mac is linux. No matter how many little jumpy icons you throw at it, it still remains the same. This means that, instead of paying over $1000 for a mac OS, I can go get Ubuntu, which is literally the same thing.
So when it comes down to it, its really just the fact that its overpriced. You are paying apple not only for the parts, but for them to put it together as well. The only Mac i could ever see buying is that little server box for $600, but when I went to customize it like it was advertised, the price hit $1,200... rediculous. Mac was telling me 4 gigs of ram was $150, however, im buying 6gis from newegg for $60
Also srry for my long posts, I dont usually have so much to say on blogs.
I'm currently using a macbook pro (unibody)
Other then the fact that it is always running at a very high temperature i find it to be ok..
Though this high temperature has warped my battery cover, and it cracked my desk in half.. Yeah, it gets that hot.
They are becoming very popular these days, since the macbooks are very well built and reliable. I get a little tired of seeing laptops made out of cheap plastic with bad trackpads and screens, other hardware makers should put more effort if they don't want people to switch to Apple's laptops.
Windows 7 is great, the problem is the quality of the hardware!
i really dislike macs they soooo expensive and arent really different to many other pcs or laptops... still nice blog
Not a big mac fan myself either, I understand the appeal to people and why some like it, but the general opinion I have formed is most mac users like macs cause they really dont know how to use a Real PC properly.
I must say lately I have been impressed with some of Apples other products.
macs are a failed monopoly oer pricing everything because they use crappy materials that are shinhy
I have both a G4 and G5 PPC....and not a day goes by that I don't miss my crappy, windows running, computer
I'm a MAC AND a PC
(post in my iPad)
got PC , want mac.. dont have enough money... so...
ahh mac's are so much better for the everyday user in my opinion
i love macs and pcs! lets all get along
Macs v PC...it's like trying to argue Atheism v Belief in God...
Ahahah, Zennith, except one is important and the other is not.
I've got a mac and a pc, both for different things!
Macs need to be send in if a camera fails etc. on a PC you just unplug and get another.
I cant play games on the Mac (besides a few)
PC more custom in both hardware / software.
"Macs don't get viruses" (which they can and have, iPod bugs etc.) because nobody cares, most people have Windows.
I don't hate Mac's I hate the generally cocky user base.
PC. cause I think macs are overpriced. not that they're bad or anything. if you can afford it and you like it..by all means go ahead.
i tried my friends macbook pro and it was garbage, however i had good experiences with mac pro and the 13" macbook
macs are nice, just too expensive for not much more substance than pc's.
The only problem I have with Apple computers is price. You can get better hardware (not design or quality necessarily, just power/performance) for a lot less than the cost of a decent macbook pro. I don't take the "less prone to viruses therefore cheaper" argument as valid. If you are a person who would have to pay 200 bux to geek squad every time you had a problem with your computer I may see the point, otherwise, no. That being said, I am still strongly considering a macbook pro the next time I get a computer. I'll have to take out a loan to do it though...
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