Just for curiosity. How many of my followers use iPhones compared to Android, or Windows Phone 7? If you own an iPhone what iPhone user are you? [see pic above] I personally own an iPhone and love it. Its simple to use and the interface makes it easy to do what I want. When i try using an android phone, they often seem slow, and a lot of the interface isn't unified making it hard to navigate around the phone. Also, I think I'm a mix between the fanboy and over user.
-Image from Gizmodo
I wouldn't know as I've never had one. They do look neat, but I barely use my simple cellphone as it is. If I had more things to do, and knew more people, I'd think about getting one of these newer phones.
The complainer ;D. Nah desk job mostly
The one who chose Android over it ;)
Android ftw.
Haha this is hilarious, it's absolutely true.
I chose Android :)
Hacker, lol.
Or rather, I would be one if I had one. Lol. :c
Droid man. So much better
the one that uses an android based phone :/
The hacker, although I don't really consider plugging your phone in and pressing a button to be "hacking".
I'm like an apathetic lol. The iPhone is great but it doesn't wow me or anything. I get a little frustrated with the fanboys though haha
A fanboy i know once told me "Do you know why Apple is so f*ing good? Because they have the Apple Store!" and then he showed me his new iPhone...
just a regular flip phone here
definitely don't like the fan boys but i like to watch there jaws drop when i show em my phone
I wish I had one. haha The hacker seems to be the only one who does awesome things heheh
Great stuff. Followin
i dont think i fit any of those. i do like angry birds though
Hacker all the way!! Jailbreaking gives it so much more potential than it usually has, everyone needs to do it!
Theres no "Stoner" option :(, I guess I would fit in with the "overuser" group then :P
I can has teh androidz plx?
I'm the one who carries around an ipad and a flip phone. I'm too cheap to pay for a data plan.
lol i wouldnt exactly consider jailbreaking to be hacking but whateva...
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