Witch iPhone User are You?


Just for curiosity. How many of my followers use iPhones compared to Android, or Windows Phone 7? If you own an iPhone what iPhone user are you? [see pic above] I personally own an iPhone and love it. Its simple to use and the interface makes it easy to do what I want. When i try using an android phone, they often seem slow, and a lot of the interface isn't unified making it hard to navigate around the phone. Also, I think I'm a mix between the fanboy and over user.
-Image from Gizmodo


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know as I've never had one. They do look neat, but I barely use my simple cellphone as it is. If I had more things to do, and knew more people, I'd think about getting one of these newer phones.

James said...

The complainer ;D. Nah desk job mostly

AbstractReality said...

The one who chose Android over it ;)

Raw said...

Haha this is hilarious, it's absolutely true.
I chose Android :)

AS said...

Hacker, lol.

Or rather, I would be one if I had one. Lol. :c

10swords said...

Droid man. So much better

trippinkets said...

the one that uses an android based phone :/

Jon said...

The hacker, although I don't really consider plugging your phone in and pressing a button to be "hacking".

Zennith said...

I'm like an apathetic lol. The iPhone is great but it doesn't wow me or anything. I get a little frustrated with the fanboys though haha

Anonymous said...

A fanboy i know once told me "Do you know why Apple is so f*ing good? Because they have the Apple Store!" and then he showed me his new iPhone...

Futile Phenom said...

just a regular flip phone here

Aaron said...

definitely don't like the fan boys but i like to watch there jaws drop when i show em my phone

OnlyATrillion said...

I wish I had one. haha The hacker seems to be the only one who does awesome things heheh

Andrew said...

i dont think i fit any of those. i do like angry birds though

Joe said...

Hacker all the way!! Jailbreaking gives it so much more potential than it usually has, everyone needs to do it!

Jack said...

Theres no "Stoner" option :(, I guess I would fit in with the "overuser" group then :P

Unknown said...

I can has teh androidz plx?

Trelin said...

I'm the one who carries around an ipad and a flip phone. I'm too cheap to pay for a data plan.

Transbibilfobil said...

lol i wouldnt exactly consider jailbreaking to be hacking but whateva...

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